
The Lassi software gets tested using automated (JUnit) testcases. While running these testcases, code coverage information is collected. This coverage information shows the percentage of code that actually gets executed during the tests. This is intended to provide an idea about the quality of the testcases and helps in finding dead code.

Class loc nloc statements coverage  
TOTAL 1930 868 343 97 %
SubmasterCountValidator 55 22 9 56 %
StartParametersPresentationModel 104 57 14 64 %
ShowParametersPresentationModel 38 7 1 100 %
NewShowParametersPresentationModel 38 7 1 100 %
ShowParametersDialogOperator 40 14 1 100 %
NewShowParametersDialogOperator 41 15 1 100 %
StartParametersDialogOperator 45 19 1 100 %
ShowParametersValidator 50 14 3 100 %
NewShowParametersValidator 51 15 4 100 %
StartParametersDialog 38 14 5 100 %
ShowParametersDialog 38 14 5 100 %
NewShowParametersDialog 38 14 5 100 %
StartParameters 94 22 7 100 %
StartParametersValidator 64 26 8 100 %
ChannelCountValidator 55 22 9 100 %
CueCountValidatorTestCase 63 30 9 100 %
ChannelCountValidatorTestCase 68 34 10 100 %
SubmasterCountValidatorTestCase 68 34 10 100 %
ShowParameters 146 45 14 100 %
CueCountValidator 63 29 15 100 %
ShowParametersView 97 50 17 100 %
NewShowParametersView 102 55 21 100 %
ShowParametersDialogTestCase 104 57 32 100 %
NewShowParametersDialogTestCase 110 61 36 100 %
StartParametersDialogTestCase 139 79 51 100 %
StartParametersView 181 112 54 100 %

Class statements covered missed weight  
StartParametersPresentationModel 14 9 5 55.56 %
SubmasterCountValidator 9 5 4 44.44 %

loc = lines of code count
nloc = non-comment lines of code count
statements = number of Java statements
coverage = percentage of statements covered