
The Lassi software gets tested using automated (JUnit) testcases. While running these testcases, code coverage information is collected. This coverage information shows the percentage of code that actually gets executed during the tests. This is intended to provide an idea about the quality of the testcases and helps in finding dead code.

Class loc nloc statements coverage  
TOTAL 1527 888 397 43 %
DefaultRowConverter 27 6 1 0 %
TableCellDragger 197 126 59 0 %
CellSelectionModel 457 317 156 32 %
TableFontSizer 209 144 66 39 %
JCheckBoxTableCellEditor 58 25 7 57 %
TableUtil 85 54 21 62 %
Table 152 97 48 79 %
SortableTableHeaderRenderer 86 40 15 93 %
RowConverter 25 4 0 100 %
TableCellDragListener 34 4 0 100 %
SortableTableModel 46 6 0 100 %
SelectableTableModel 12 7 0 100 %
JXTableRowConverter 36 11 2 100 %
SimpleTableModel 41 15 3 100 %
RowSelectionModel 62 32 19 100 %

Class statements covered missed weight  
CellSelectionModel 156 50 106 46.49 %
TableCellDragger 59 0 59 25.88 %
TableFontSizer 66 26 40 17.54 %
Table 48 38 10 4.39 %
TableUtil 21 13 8 3.51 %
JCheckBoxTableCellEditor 7 4 3 1.32 %
SortableTableHeaderRenderer 15 14 1 0.44 %
DefaultRowConverter 1 0 1 0.44 %

loc = lines of code count
nloc = non-comment lines of code count
statements = number of Java statements
coverage = percentage of statements covered