
The Lassi software gets tested using automated (JUnit) testcases. While running these testcases, code coverage information is collected. This coverage information shows the percentage of code that actually gets executed during the tests. This is intended to provide an idea about the quality of the testcases and helps in finding dead code.

Class loc nloc statements coverage  
TOTAL 2363 1580 820 94 %
XmlTester 20 14 5 0 %
ShowMigrator 79 51 17 0 %
XmlReader 272 161 72 83 %
XmlWriterTestCase 110 90 44 95 %
XmlShowReader 388 268 145 95 %
XmlShowWriter 253 202 130 98 %
XmlShowReaderTestCase 418 325 140 99 %
XmlShowWriterTestCase 352 208 141 99 %
ObjectFactory 48 16 2 100 %
XmlTestCase 42 14 6 100 %
Xml 103 47 25 100 %
XmlParserTestCase 129 84 39 100 %
XmlWriter 149 100 54 100 %

Class statements covered missed weight  
ShowMigrator 17 0 17 36.17 %
XmlReader 72 60 12 25.53 %
XmlShowReader 145 138 7 14.89 %
XmlTester 5 0 5 10.64 %
XmlWriterTestCase 44 42 2 4.26 %
XmlShowWriter 130 128 2 4.26 %
XmlShowWriterTestCase 141 140 1 2.13 %
XmlShowReaderTestCase 140 139 1 2.13 %

loc = lines of code count
nloc = non-comment lines of code count
statements = number of Java statements
coverage = percentage of statements covered