Midi Show Control


A MIDI controller can send a limited number of MIDI Show Control (MSC) commands to Lassi for starting and stopping cues: GO, STOP and RESUME. Lassi will pass on these commands to the Lanbox.

Command Description
GO Executes a cue.
STOP Pauses the execution of the current cue.
RESUME Resumes the execution of the cue that was paused.

MIDI Show Control defines following parameters for these commands:

The DeviceID is a mandatory parameter and refers to the Lanbox layer to which the command should be directed.

Device ID Layer
0 Layer A
1 Layer A
2 Layer B
3 Layer C

Note that both values 0 and 1 both refer to Layer A.

The Cue Number and the Cue List parameters are used to determine which cue the command will be applied to. The Cue Path parameter is not used in Lassi.

For a GO command, when no values are supplied for the Cue Number and Cue List parameters, the next cue will be executed.

The interpretation by Lassi of the Cue Number parameter depends on the value that is given for the Cue List parameter. If no value is specified for the Cue List parameter, or the value is 0, then the Cue Number parameter is assumed to be a Lanbox cuelist and cuestep, separated by a decimal point.

A greater than zero in the Cue List parameter refers to a Lassi cuelist number, and the Cue Number is assumed to be a Lassi cue number in that cuelist.

Note that the current version of Lassi still only supports 1 cuelist, so at this moment only the value 1 for the Cue List parameter actually makes sense.


Command Device ID Cue Number Cue List Cue Path Comment
GO 0 - - - Execute the next cue in layer A
GO 1 - - - Execute the next cue in layer A
GO 3 - - - Execute the next cue in layer C
GO 1 100.5 - - Execute cue step 5 in the Lanbox cuelist 100 in layer A
GO 1 10 1 - Execute cue 10 in Lassi cuelist 1 in layer A
GO 1 10.1 - - Execute cue step 1 in the Lanbox cuelist 10 in layer A
GO 1 10.1 1 - Execute cue 10.1 in Lassi cuelist 1 in layer A
GO 1 10.1 2 - Execute cue 10.1 in Lassi cuelist 2 in layer A (this will not work yet in the current version of Lassi, currently only 1 cuelist is supported)
STOP 0 - - - Pause layer A
STOP 1 - - - Pause layer A
STOP 2 - - - Pause layer B
RESUME 0 - - - Resume the paused cue in layer A
RESUME 1 - - - Resume the paused cue in layer A
RESUME 2 - - - Resume the paused cue in layer B

How to enable MIDI Show Control ?

To enable Lassi for MIDI Show Control, go the the preferences window and select Midi Control. In the Midi Show Control section select an Input Device Name and check the Enabled checkbox.

See also: Midi Show Control tutorial.